나라별 종교별 사람 영어로
- People by religion and nationality
- 종교별 사람: People by religion
- 사람: 사람1 [인류] man; mankind. ~은 물이
- 종교별 유럽 사람: European people by religion
- 종교별 대륙별 사람: People by continent and religion
- 종교별 아시아 사람: Asian people by religion
- 직업별 종교별 사람: People by religion and occupation
- 종교별 남아메리카 사람: South American people by religion
- 종교별 북아메리카 사람: North American people by religion
- 종교별 아프리카 사람: African people by religion
- 나라별 무종교: Irreligion by country
- 나라별 종교: Religion by country
- 나라별 종교 교육: Religious education by country
- 나라별 종교 단체: Religious organizations by country
- 나라별 종교 대학: Religious universities and colleges by country
- 나라별 종교 학교: Religious schools by country